Saturday, October 9, 2010

Martin and his family

Doug was able to visit with Martin, one of the national translators we've
talked about in our newsletters. Approximately 4 months ago, Martin fell
off the roof of his village house and ended up with a compression fracture
in his back. He needs to stay in Madang for at least another 6 weeks before
he can attempt the boat trip of 3 hours out to his village. His wife and
little girl, Karisma, who is Tia's age are staying with him in Madang,
because Karisma was just recently hospitalized for malaria. A few years
ago, Karisma also had heart surgery for a congenital heart defect. Martin
is anxious to get back to his village because he has 2 other little boys at
home whom he hasn't seen since June, when he had the accident.