Thursday, May 30, 2013

And more Sports Day

More Sports Day

Sports Day

One of the highlights of the school year is Sports Day: the ongoing rival
between Alpha (red) and Beta (blue).

More 8th grade play pictures

He also played a King, but I think enjoyed the Wolf role more.

Leif's 8th grade play

Leif really enjoyed being the Wolf in the 8th grade play entitled,
"Cinderella's Cottage". A modern version of many of the classics fairy
tales mixed together.

Mother's Day

Mother's Day was special: we celebrated the dedication of twins born to
some special friends of ours. The Sunday school class also had a special
Mother's Day celebration and performance in Tok Pisin.

School Days

Cole and Leif had great seasons of softball and rugby. For Leif, rugby was
a new game, but he really enjoyed it.

Bridge Repair

The bridge that had washed away a few weeks before we left, was being
repaired and a temporary one put up so we were able to get to our
destination. Thank you for your prayers.

More PNG pictures

Jumping off the Bridge

For a few days, since it was rainy season, the river was high enough that
the kids could jump off the bridge.


While one person read, the others followed along, making suggestions
regarding fluency and pronunciation.

Recording Scripture

The main focus of our visit this time was to begin recording scripture to
put on small oral players. Those who are unable to read have access to
God's Word too. We completed Jonah and part of Mark. The heat made it hard
to work all day, so we recorded small parts each day.

And more clothes . . . .

Emailing: IMG_1598

At the end of March through beginning of April we returned to the village.
There's always plenty of clothes to wash with six people and Tia's a big