This is our garden which has banana trees, a papaya tree, and there are pineapples in the foreground. We've really missed our acreage in Iowa, so having this view in our backyard, makes it feel more like being in the country.
This is our home in Ukarumpa. We've enjoyed it very much. This is actually the second place we've lived at. Over Christmas we ended up having to move out of our former house due to Noah having severe allergies to either the cat that had been in the house or the damp basement. Due to high moisture here, often basements can be quite damp, so this house does not have a basement. The bottom rooms you can see are actually storage, and a place to keep firewood.
The kids had one week of school before it was Christmas break, and were able to get used to the new campus, and meet a few of their classmates. School goes year round at Ukarumpa, with a 5 week break at Christmas.
We arrived at noon at Aiyura airport in Ukarumpa. As soon as we stepped off the plane, we could feel the slightly cooler temperatures. Ukarumpa is at an elevation of about 5,000 feet, and is located in the Eastern Highlands Province. We were greeted by a welcome family who toured us around Ukarumpa, and brought us to our house.
This is the plane we flew in from Madang to Ukarumpa. It was about a 45 minute flight. Good-bye Madang The scenery was unbelievable. The green below just looked like velvet, and on these ridges you could see villages below.